Elk Plain Storage Storage offers plenty of unit sizes to fit your needs. If you are unsure how much space you will require, see our Storage Hints section.

Size (feet) Price/Month

5 x 5
5 x 7.5
5 x 10
10 x 7.5
10 x 10
10 x 15
10 x 20
10 x 30
12 x 30

$ 60 to $ 65
$ 70 to $ 80
$ 80 to $ 95
$ 100 to $120
$130 to $160
$175 to $200
$205 to $230
$245 to $290
$290 to $330


RV parking $90 a month for first 20 ft and $2 each additional ft.

Prices subject to change and availability

Facility | Security | Units/Rates | Comparison | About Us

Elk Plain Storage
21818 Mountain Hwy E
Spanaway, Washington 98387
Local (253) 847-3388
Fax (253) 875-1200
Email: manager@elkplainstorage.com